FuturePrint is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC
This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Informa PLC's registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. Registered in England and Wales. Number 8860726.
As part of Informa Markets, committed to contributing to the achievement of the goals defined by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, FuturePrint implements a series of initiatives.
Check below some of the actions that will be carried out at FuturePrint 2024 and which UN SDGs they relate to:
FuturePrint provides free workshops and promoted content throughout the event. The FuturePrint Forum has several lectures promoted by the main professionals in the visual communication sector, aiming to expand the knowledge and training of entrepreneurs in the sector. The Serigrafia em Ação and Sublimação em Ação workshops offer learning trails with the big names in the stamping and customizing market, including developing practical activities with the participants. In addition to the Textile Digital Printing Circuit and FutureTêxtil Talks, which seek to deepen the knowledge of those who work in the textile segment about digital printing.
Around 80% of the carpets that cover the entire floor of FuturePrint are reused from other Informa Markets events, which has a strong commitment to waste management at all its events and works all the time to minimize its impacts on the environment .
We will offer a free transfer from the Portuguesa-Tietê Metro station towards the event, so that our visitors can have easier mobility and avoid using private transport by car, thus reducing traffic in the surroundings and the emission of CO² in the atmosphere.
FuturePrint encourages the use of carpooling and the formation of caravans - offering a subsidy as a cost aid for this modality, so that our visitors can have easier mobility and avoid using private transport via car, thus reducing traffic in the environment and the emission of CO² into the atmosphere.
All materials printed on paper by FuturePrint are made only on paper with FSC certification, which guarantees the sustainable management of the ecosystem from its raw materials.
As in other Informa Markets events, FuturePrint also works on the reuse of badge holders, collecting them from visitors at the exit of the event so that they can be treated and reused again, thus substantially reducing the generation of plastic waste.
In partnership with Expo Center Norte, FuturePrint properly treats and separates organic waste from recyclables, so that each one has its correct destination and reuse in the case of recyclables.
In partnership with ABIGRAF-SP, this is the space where the visitor has the opportunity to find financial institutions with easy options for financing and loans that offer much more attractive conditions than the normal ones in the market, aiming to boost entrepreneurship, innovation and the development of the sectors that make up our market.
Initiative that aims to encourage FuturePrint exhibitors to increasingly opt for sustainable solutions and projects in their stands, with the aim of significantly impacting post-event waste generation.
As in 2023, FuturePrint encourages the development of a more just and egalitarian society and hires PNE professionals to work at the event, in several areas.
All Informa Markets booths and institutional structures within FuturePrint have only LED lamps, which are more economical, durable and efficient from an energy point of view.
Our food court has several types of dishes and meals, including vegetarian and vegan options. We also work with different price options, to offer a menu of food possibilities that meet the most diverse profiles of visitors and exhibitors.
Project developed by the restaurant Mocotó, which distributes food baskets to 400 low-income families in the north of São Paulo, has the support of FuturePrint and also its contribution.
The comfort space is an initiative by FuturePrint to generate greater well-being for visitors while they are at the fair. This space includes:
Available to all visitors, an initiative that offers greater interaction, comfort and ease to explore the event in an efficient and ecological way. By providing free WiFi during the event, we encourage more digital and responsible participation.
Support for the Quebrada Alimenteda project.
· Reuse of materials (80% of carpets reused);
· Facilitated mobility (free transfer);
· Hiring PNE professionals to work at the event;
· Use of FSC certified paper in printed materials;
· Food court with vegetarian and vegan food options;
· Reduction of PVC credential emissions;
· Reuse of accreditation bags;
· Selective collection of organic and recyclable materials;
· Use of LED lamps in stands;